Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Shots and not the kind with Tequila!

         We finally reached medication day, March 18th.  For Chris, this meant much excitement as he had been looking forward to the day he would be able to stab me with that sharp object we call a needle. For me, the thought of injecting myself and having to remember to do it daily at the same time was a little overwhelming. Either way, it had to be done.
         We had been told at our first appointment that medications starts twenty-one days after your last AF (that's Aunty Flow for you non- IVFer's). The name of the medication is Suprecur and it is administered with a very tiny needle, the same as a diabetic needle. We were additionally informed that I would need to have the medication within a two hour window every evening between 6 and 8p.m..
        When the time finally arrived on the night of the 18th, Chris was still super excited and I was not nervous, but anxious to get the first jab over with. The first one I was determined to do myself for the simple fact that I wanted to make sure I could, given the fact there would be times Chris might not be around and I would still need the meds. I have given many shots to others, but never any to myself. We prepared my injection together and Chris was grinning like a kid on Christmas, he even had the camera ready. Still not nervous at all, I lifted my shirt and went to inject... and then came the nerves, I froze.
        After a few minutes of Chris and I going back in forth as to if I could actually do it myself and an immense feeling to fall out on the floor, I went for it! I can tell everyone the needle itself does not hurt, but after a few seconds the medication tingles just a bit. We were both excited and the very next day Chris gave me the shot. It is a little funny when he gives me the injections, as he crosses his legs behind me as if I am going to run away. I haven't yet run away, but every time he locks me in to make sure I am not going anywhere. The shots are definitely not Tequila shots, but hopefully they will give us a better outcome than a hangover!
        We have been doing these shots for about two weeks now. Our baseline scan for follicles was originally scheduled for last Friday, the 28th. That appointment had to be moved due to my AF arriving a few days later than expected. I was a little panicked and still am a bit nervous about this, but our doctor from Bourn Hall explained that sometimes this occurs. Our appointment was moved to tomorrow at 10 am and although nervous we are looking forward to seeing how many or if any follicles there are on each side. All prayers are graciously accepted as we continue to take this incredible journey.


                                                                   We were prepared

                                                                   First needle is in!

                              Chris being a good sport at a recent baby shower for friends.
                                                         He wears his preggo belly well.

~ Another wonderful "thank you" to everyone who has prayed, donated, and continued to support us. gofundme.com/BabyforButigiegs    

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